- Scholarships are awarded to those students with significant ability and provide partial remission of the School’s tuition fees for the period of the scholarship.
- Scholarships vary between 25-100% rebate of the annual tuition fee. In cases of financial need, an Academic Scholarship may be augmented by a School Bursary. Families believing they may be eligible for such assistance are invited to complete the confidential Application for Fee Assistance obtainable from the School Office on request.
- Not all categories of scholarships may be awarded in any year.
- Scholarships are not awarded to students who are currently attending Esperance Anglican Community School.
The Academic Scholarship provides up to 100% remission of tuition fees at EACS. Successful candidates must demonstrate excellent academic achievement through their Primary Schooling years, with the potential to make a positive and ongoing contribution to the School.
Awarded to students in Year 6 with who wish to attend the Esperance Anglican Community School, for Year 7 - 12. The Scholarship provides for 50% remission of tuition fees at EACS. The scholarship is awarded to a student who has a sound academic record and has made a significant contribution to their primary school or the wider community. For further information please contact the school office on 08 9083 2400, or email enrolments@eacs.wa.edu.au
The Academic Scholarship is awarded to qualifying Year 5 and Year 6 students to attend EACS in Year 7 – 12. The General Excellence Scholarship provides for 50% remission of tuition fees at EACS.
The McVay Boarding House Scholarship is awarded to qualifying Year 10 students to attend EACS in Year 11 and 12. The McVay Boarding House Scholarship provides for 25% remission of the Boarding House fees at EACS.
Bursaries provide partial remission of school tuition fees for students who have the potential to contribute to School life but who may not otherwise be in a position to attend a private school due to the family’s financial circumstances.
Scholarships and bursaries are awarded for three key principles:
- Scholarships support students of high ability to attend Esperance Anglican Community School.
- Scholarships are one of the ways in which the School affirms the high value it places on outstanding academic ability.
- Bursaries make it possible for students to attend the School when financial circumstances of the family would otherwise preclude them, and so promote our philosophy of inclusion.
- Scholarships and bursaries are reviewed annually to ensure students are maintaining satisfactory academic progress, high standards of citizenship and participation within the life of the School.
- Students not maintaining the expected minimum standards will have their scholarship or bursary modified or cancelled.
- The school awards a small number of scholarships and bursaries each year at the discretion of the Principal.
- Not all advertised scholarships or bursaries may be awarded in an any year.
- School Bursaries will be assessed individually based on the individual family’s financial circumstances and the student’s capacity to contribute to the life of the School.
Scholarship applications for 2025 are now closed.
To apply for a Bursary, please contact the Principal at the following email - info@eacs.wa.edu.au