“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No-one comes to the Father but through Me.’ (John 14:6)
The first key word of our EACS motto is the word, Truth. In the Post-Modern culture, in which we live and educate our children, truth is interpreted in all kinds of ways, based on a person’s observations, understandings at the time and even biases or desires. The Scriptures, however, remind us (in Romans 1:18-25) that we human beings are actually willing to “suppress the truth” and even to “exchange the truth about God for a lie, and worship and serve created things rather than the Creator.”
At Jesus’ trial, before His crucifixion, He told the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, that He had “come into the world to testify to the truth” (John 18:37). Jesus also proclaimed that He is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”, and that by believing and receiving this Truth we can be “set free” from sin and death, to enjoy being with and glorifying God forever.
If our desire is to live by the truth, because we love God and love the truth, then we must always be committed to seeking, to knowing, to believing, to speaking and to doing that which is true. It can sometimes be a great temptation to hide or avoid the truth by pretending, deceiving or even by lying, in order to avoid a painful situation. In times like this we need to remember that when we stand for the truth, the Lord Jesus stands with us, whatever we are facing. (Hebrews 13:5-6)
Here are some thoughts from a few Year 8 students on Truth:
- “Truth is not betraying God”.
- “If someone is truthful then they would have a good relationship because trust is built, and no lies and sin is spread.”
- “Truth is being faithful to others.”
- “Truth means healthy relationships”.
Here are some thoughts from a few Year 10 students on Truth:
- Truth is the Lord and the Lord is with us.
- If someone is truthful to me, it allows me to wholly love them.
- Truth in my life and relationships is telling my girlfriend when she is doing something I’m not comfortable with.
- Truth is being entirely honest and open, and holds nothing to hide.
- Truth means to be honest to everyone in my life, including Jesus and God.
- Truth is something that will keep you from sin.