The School opened in 2008 and offers a range of modern, architecturally designed buildings and facilities that include:
- classrooms
- specialist learning areas – science laboratories, visual arts rooms, food specialist learning areas, wood work shed
- multi-purpose space – dance, drama, Chapel
- multi-use hard court
- tennis courts
- hockey and soccer field
- oval with running track and cricket nets
- canteen
- administrative facilities
Students enjoy bright, well-lit learning spaces that complement the education programs available. In addition, work commenced in 2014 on a new 40-bed boarding house right in the heart of the school and a new classroom block. We now have nine new general learning areas, a staff area and an amenities block.
Tax Deductible School Building Fund
Donations can be made to our School Building Fund in any of the following ways:
- Direct Deposit
BSB: 706-001
Account No: 30005443
When making a deposit please include your name in the subject line so that a receipt for your tax deductible donation can be issued. - Call into the School Office during office hours to make your donation and a receipt will be issued immediately.
- Phone the School Office during office hours on 08 9083 2444 or via our contact form to make arrangements for your donation.
- Donations can be made through the CBH Group via Loadnet
Supplier/Grower Number: 20083473
Supplier/Grower Name: Esperance Anglican Community School