We aim to make the whole process of enrolment as simple and straightforward as possible. We also like to keep in-touch with prospective students and their parents as they move through the process of joining our School. The simple step-by-step guide illustrates the process.
The Initial Enquiry – online, by telephone, via email or in person. Further information can be obtained and a visit arranged.
Visiting the School – parents and prospective students. This provides an opportunity for an informal chat with the Executive Principal, the chance to ask questions, and seek clarification about the life of the School.
Tour of the School, with the Executive Principal – providing the opportunity to see the quality of our facilities,
and meet current students and staff.
Speak with our admissions team to clarify the enrolment procedure.
A letter is sent, offering a place.
Further interview, if required, to clarify any specific requirements.
Parent or guardian confirms acceptance of the offer of a place.
Invitation for the student to attend our transition day in November. Here they will meet with their future class mates and get a taste of some of the activities on offer.
Parents will be invited to make an appointment to have a uniform fitted.
Orientation Day for new students - on the day before the School opens for the new academic year. Students receive their timetables, are allocated lockers and ensure their log-in details for our IT network are working. They also complete some on-line ability tests to provide as much information as possible about their strengths and weaknesses. This ensures that the students are placed in classes appropriate to their ability and can have additional help allocated if required. New students also meet with the School Counsellor, and enjoy games and activities run by the School Prefects.
The next day is the first day of School for all students.
In Week 3 of Term 1 a social ‘sundowner’ gives new and current parents the chance to meet with staff and members of the School Council to help them become part of the EACS community.
The registration fee is $55 and the enrolment fee is $400 for the first child and $100 for any siblings, they are one off fees and are non-refundable. These fees are not deducted from the tuition fees.
Once all supporting documentation, enrolment form, birth certificate (original to be sighted), immunisation history via my gov, current school report and Naplan, Parent agreement, and Code of conduct forms signed and registration fee and enrolment fees are paid the student is classed as fully enrolled.
Booklists, iPad app list and uniform information are posted to families mid-November.
For enrolments commencing at the start of the school year, uniform fittings are by appointment only and take place over the summer holidays. Second hand uniforms are available depending on availability.
For enrolments during the school year, appointments can be made at the time of enrolment.
All students enrolled to commence at the beginning of Term One will be invited to attend EACS transition day during Term Four. Information will be posted to fully enrolled students a few weeks prior.
An interview (this can take place before, during or after school hours) is required with the Executive/Associate Principal, student and parent/parents. Once a interview has been done a letter of offer is posted to the family along with a Parent Agreement and Letter of offer. The two forms are to be signed and returned with the enrolment fee paid within 14 days to secure your child’s placement.
To secure your child’s placement in EACS, return the enrolment form and documentation and pay the enrolment and registration fee. Enrolments remain open while we have places left in the year group, so contacting us early is recommended.